my brother
Pulau Ketam is a small n peaceful man-made island.V could saw crabs along d seasides when d sea flowed away fr d land ( ebb tides ). Tat's y v named d island as Pulau Ketam.But i wondered d meaning of its malay name is different fr its chinese name.
吉澹岛是什么意识呢?? 为什么不叫螃蟹岛 ???
the island was larger than i was expected,more than 500 houses.V walked along d path, but v didn't visit d individual houses.
那里的屋子都是高脚屋,每间屋子都由若干柱子支持着。退潮时,屋底下的丑烂泥都 ‘铺‘ 满了垃圾,不时还会闻到一股难闻的腐臭味。
the island does not have a sewade system,all faeces were brought 2 d sea n polluted d aquatic organisms.Most of d residents there r fishermans, 而妻子则在家里等丈夫,Wat a boring life !!!
不闷一也假,幸亏岛上' 设备齐全',有杂货店,restaurants.........但这些设备总满足不了城市人......
Most visitors ate seafoods when went there,but my fm ate ABC, n fried meehoon,fried lala oyster ~ sweat~
Damn disappointed....
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