It was the 1th time i went 2 foreign country---S'pore( 2 days 1 nite ).V woke up early in the morning,around 6.30am.V were forced 2 do so,if not,v might not have enough time 2 spent at there(跟旅行团)。
i couldn't sleep well on a day b4 d trip,n so was my family n relatives.dono wat's d reason. Our journey took approximately 4 hours.The 1th place tat v reahed b4 arrived at S'PORE was the custom.There were a great different btw d customs of M'sia n Singapore.S'pore custom is much more nicer than M'sia 1.
4 d toilets,s'pore 's toilet 根本没有水管,那他们上toilet是从不洗屁股 ? omg.....i wondered how they could survive without washing their 屁股.hehe .....
S' pore is a prosperous country.

visited places :
Since d time given was limited,v were not allowed 2 visit d whole sentosa.Luckily ,v still managed 2 try somthing at amusement park like Luge n skyride.
i like luge the most.It was d 1th time i tried luge,even gradpa n grandma oso tried luge.让我敬佩
My family said tat skyride was d scariest among all of d activities.Yea,is true,it is dangerous,but 4 me, it wasn't scary at all..A bench hanging on d rope without any safety belts or glasses/........
Besides, v visited d merlion 2.v could saw d whole S' PORE ,standing on d peak of d lion.

V had a delicious buffet lunch at sentosa island.

Then,v went 2 ' images of s'pore'.

Taking photos with santa claus, little dwarf,n a beauty.
V were most impressed by the " Song of d sea" at sentosa.

After watching tat show,all of us were forced 2 bck 2 their bus.All of a sudden, most of us lost our direction.V didn't noe where v r.After struggling 4 ab 30 minutes,finally, v found our bus.
My aunt,as our tour guide, was scolded by a hot temper tourist.
i hate d tourist.她就是喜欢闹事,总是闹个不停,搞扎了其他人的情绪。her relatives were unhappy during d trip, i was sympathized wif them.我想,她的老公是冷冰山吗 ??? 还是白墙???我佩服他。
At nite,n visited orchard road.Christmas is around d corner,d road was decorated with attractive n colourfull light bulbs.The road was congested with tourist n vehicles.Unfortunately, v were not allowed 2 walk along d road due 2 insufficient time, t.t.

V were brought 2 an hotel at Geylang,Fragrance hotel- pearl.
v saw a lot of agua, n sexy chicks.Agua 和小鸡们的穿着性感,时髦,男人见了口水肯定像河水般地流出来。唉。。。。天总是对女人不公平。。。难道女人没有快乐天堂吗???