Characters : xx ,S,K,R
Author :xxx
The story is describing ones charactericstics n his/her lifestyle.
xx is a clumsy n careless person. He/she does every thing clumsily.Recently,每早起床,左看右看镜子,都觉得镜子里的人根本不像他自己。xx is a forgetful person.As v noe, no body has a bad memory, unless an untrained memory.So,xx tried hard 2 improve his memory.xx had putting so much effort on improving memory,but he/she failed 2 do it.
听说多工作能提升人类的记忆里,所以,xx decided 2 go 2 working.He/she had found a job at a bakery.xx did a lot of mistakes while working. After working 4 approximately ??? week, xx had set a gol 4 himself/herself.,that is d mistakes made should b less than 3. However,xx did not decrease d mistakes made while working, d number of mistakes made is increasing greatly fr day 2 day,bcame serious fr day 2 day.
Some of them said : ' 你到底在搞什么鬼??? 又不是新人,clumsy hands n legs,做事笨手笨脚.'
XX always forget d works tat he/she shud do at d bakery.The workers could not stand xx's clumsy behaviour,they said in an angry manner :
“ 为什么你经常忘记忘记忘记。。。。。。 ????你的记忆力有问题吗 ?脑子有问题?是天生脑残 ???脑子有病怎能在PMR那么多A呢??“。哎,我看那只不过是在粪池里不顾日夜地挖掘才能找到这些'A'.
Oh my god, forgetfulness is the ' mother of failure ' !!!! 健忘真的会害死人!!!健忘让人恨你,远离你,瞧不起你,甚至与你拖离关系。如果你对此有其他的意见,请留言。谢谢。plz comment.
1 day,xx went 2 hair cut.xx nv tied his/her hair bcoz her hair is toooo short.To xx suprise,everyone ( Malays ) were criticising her hair styles,ask her 2 tie it as fast as possible .xx wondered y they criticised his/her hair styles.R they jealous of his/her hair styles ? or 4 hygiene ? or 2 give the customers a good impressions ?
On d next day, the worker who criticized xx's hair styles oso nv tied her hair.Y no body bother her ? y no body criticize her ? is it bcoz of racies ?
xx didn't bother the worker at all,but continued doing his/her works.xx can't do things as fast as d others
这位失败者是否能东山再起,闯出一片天; 还是一裴子都沉淀灾海洋中??? 这就全靠那位失败者的意志力了。哈哈!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Chicken Floss Bun

I m a careless person. When i holding a cheese cake, d cake suddenly sticked onto d light of d freezer(the cake is covered with a layer of sticky jelly ). Some of d dusts had fallen on2 d cake.
so,i took another cake 4 d customer.Luckily, d customer is mcc.She nv scold me.
I thought she didn't noe wat happen 2 d cake just now.
Monday, November 17, 2008

It was my first working experiences.
i worked as a part time worker at a bakery named berries.
i was asked 2 fold the boxes,cutting plastics,mopping d tables n others.
Besides , i know some new friends 2.They were kind towards me. The works looked simple, but actually they r quite difficult.
所谓 :‘ 熟能生巧 ’ 。这些工作需要基巧。
I noe recognised a malay friends.Although she is non-chinese, she is fluent in chinese. It's so miraculous.I hope i can gain a lot of experiences in d bakery in d future.
Friday, November 14, 2008
A Trip 2 Sunway Lagoon

It was school holidays.My friends n i were determined 2 go 2 sunway Lagoon.v grabbed this golden opportunity 2 relax our minds after many weeks of studies n exams.v tried dry n wet parks.
Although it was d 1th time i tried dry park, i wasn't scare of trying all those things in fun parks compare 2 my friends.Some of my friends nearly cried while sittin on pirate ship.
I shouted on d top of my lungs.
Unfortunately, it started 2 rain cats n dogs in d afternoon.All d equipments in fun park were closed .Haiz....our tickets were wasted.Luckily, v still manage 2 try many things in fun park b4 raining.
* Memorable day *
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